Longstown Village


What if I'm interested in selling or buying a condo in Longstown Village?

Email: darla.athome@hotmail.com Phone: (717) 650-6963

What are the current Association Dues, and when are payments due?

Dues are $495 per quarter, and payment is due on January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st of each year.

Are there any Special Assessments?

A Roof Assessment was levied on November 1st, 2017, for new roofing on all 113 buildings in the community.  The $293 assessment is due May 1st and November 1st of each year thereafter, with the final payment due on May 1st, 2025.

How do I pay my Dues and the Roof Assessment?

Make your check payable to "Longstown Village", or to the "LVCA", and then mail it or place it in our secure Drop Box in the Clubhouse.

Please ensure that your check reflects your current Longstown Village address.  If you're using checks with an old address, PLEASE write your new Longstown Village address on the Memo line of your check.

Who is responsible for maintaining, repairing, or replacing condo components?

Condo Owners are responsible for all interior walls, floors, stairways and other partitions located within the Unit, including the floor space occupied by such interior walls, floors, stairways and other partitions.  They are also responsible for their awnings, doorsteps, stoops, porches, balconies, patios and all exterior doors and windows or other fixtures designed to serve only their Unit.  These are designated as a "Limited Common Elements".

The Association is responsible for all "Common Elements" which include the roofing, vinyl siding, and sewer laterals for each building.  The Association is also responsible for all streets, sidewalks, walkways and driveways, lawns and landscaping, the Clubhouse, and the community's stormwater drainage system.

Are there any rules regarding pets?

Yes.  Each Unit may have two (2) dogs or two (2) cats, or combination thereof, so long as they do not disturb other owners or occupants and the pets are kept on a leash or carried while in any of the common areas in the community.

Are commercial vehicles, boats on trailers, or RVs allowed?

Commercial vehicles, vehicles with business lettering or signs, boats, recreational vehicles, or trailers are not allowed to be stored on driveways or in parking spaces.  A commercial vehicle, RV, boat or trailer stored in the unit's garage out of sight is permitted.

Are outdoor BBQ grills allowed, and if so, what type of grill may be used?

Residents may use a propane or electric grill on their rear patio.  Charcoal, pellet, or wood-fired grills are not permited. Grills must be kept at least four (4) feet away from walls and porches to prevent damage to the vinyl siding and/or soffits.  Propane tanks should be stored with the grill on the rear patio, or on the rear porch, rather than in the garage.  Cold weather does not affect propane tanks, but a leaky gas valve could be big trouble if the tank was stored in the garage.

What sort of activities and events are on offer in the community?

Longstown Village residents are active, and there are plenty of ways to connect with others living in the development.:

Garbage and Recycling Collection

Republic Services collects our refuse and recycling Tuesday mornings.  Residents are asked to place their garbage cans and recycling bins curbside, on the sidewalk, no later than 9:00 AM Tuesday morning.  Trash cans are provided by Windsor Township free of charge.  If residents choose to not use a free trash can, we ask that they use sturdy black trash bags.  Thinner bags are easily torn apart by birds and critters.  Recycling bins or cans are provided for a nominal fee.  Not everything is recyclable, so please review the guidelines below: